Medical Tests you must get before tying the knot

Since the auspicious wedding days are near, the only thing you would have on your mind is taking the vows eventually. But, trust us, there are more important things that you must consider even before you match kundlis. Nope, we are not talking about any wedding planning or arrangements or findings. It is something very conscious and personal this time.

We are concerned that you must have clarity of your spouse-to-be’s mental and physical health. Because these things now ignored can later turn into nightmares. So better to be safe than sorry, right?

Therefore, don’t be blindsided and make a good decision. Here are some of the medical tests we recommend you must undergo before tying the knot.

Medical Tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

It might sound a bit odd, or express a mistrust when coming to mutual trust, but is necessary, especially over any other test. And there is no shame in getting tested for STDs.

Both of you must undergo a series of tests to check the status of sexual health. Why? Because sexual diseases such as HIV AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhoea, and herpes are not only life-threatening to your partner but can pass on to your offspring as well.

So, it is better you make a wise decision before moving forward.

Tests to be undergone?

  • Blood Tests
  • Urine Tests

Medical Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually transmitted infections are also a common thing in terms of physical health. However, a plus point is they can be treated in time. So, it is better you two undergo tests for these as well.

Tests to be undergone?

  • Blood Tests
  • Urine Tests
  • Mouth/sore swab

Medical Tests for Fertility/Infertility

Any married couple, at some point, would want a third person to have in their life as a blessing. And in this case, you both should undergo fertility tests. Although modern sciences have alternate ways to conceive despite odds, it can be blemishing for the couple and could result in high expenses.

Tests to be undergone?

  • Blood Tests for determining hormone levels
  • Semen test to check fertility for males

Medical Tests for Hereditary Transmitted Diseases

Diabetes and blood pressure are typical hereditary diseases that are transmittable to family offspring down the root. Therefore, it is necessary to get tests done for these as it gives room to take precautions and combat these diseases by changing your lifestyle.

Tests to be undergone?

  • Blood test

Medical Tests for Chronic Health Ailments

This is the crunch point of everything. Going for a full body checkup will provide a detailed analysis of your spouse’s health condition. And if there is the slightest chance of worry, you have time to cure it, treat it and take necessary decisions with respect to that.

Tests to be undergone?

  • Full body checkup

Above all, the most effective way is to communicate with your would-be partner. Nothing other than this will be more clear to understand the conditions. And concern with your partner if there is a treatment or medication for that ailment. If there is, then you two must take the steps forward to a healthy and peaceful future.

The measures given above are all discretionary and should only be followed only when prescribed with consultation from a health professional.