How to balance work from home and wedding planning without going crazy?

Before Covid-19 hit the world, the would-be couples used to separate work and life schedules. So, the work took place at the office, while everything related to the wedding occurred during off-hours.

However, the pandemic has now made it difficult to find the right balance between work and wedding planning — leading to juggling between office work and household chores & responsibilities, exercising, and relaxing.

If you’re facing difficulties and having trouble finding time to plan your wedding while working from home, we have something to tell you that you should consider.

1. Create a separate workspace

Couples find it lethargic and difficult to find a balance between ‘work life’ and ‘personal life', and so comes the feeling of working all the time. It is important that you should set time boundaries, but what is more important is setting a separate workspace for yourself at home.

We are not asking you to run around the globe and make your room an office — which is not feasible but having a separate place at any corner of the home. Fetch a table, a good comfortable chair, and a good light source to focus during work hours away from distractions.

And when ‘working life’ is done for the day, get up and focus on the wedding planning along with family members in comfy places like living rooms. This will give you relief from the overburdening pressure and tasks that are approaching you from all corners.

2. Plan activities to start and end the day with

Apart from leaving your workspace and indulging in personal chores/time, plan some recreational activities or fun exercises to separate and make a gap between the two.

You can include your partner in these sessions — have an adult beverage, go for a ride around the city in loose tees and pants, cook something together, go on a movie date (can also be virtual), or just boil a cup of coffee sitting at the balcony and ranting about anything.

This will help you detoxify all the negative charges and fill you up with lovely positive charges in your veins. So, when you go back to work and personal life, you are open to accepting new challenges and not dread them.

3. Use your commute time

One of the biggest benefits in a work from home scenario — no commutes! Whether your workplace is just within a walking distance or takes an hour of commuting, working from home saves the time to get ready and make the commute.

You can dedicate and surrogate this commute time to your wedding planning, which means reaching vendors, managing checklists, calling and putting guests on your lists, working on your invitations, checking up on your wedding website, or any other task that needs to be checked off.

4. Divvy your work amongst yourselves

Planning a wedding is a challenging task and dividing tasks makes it easier for everyone to manage. By this we mean, you must sit down with your would-be and also involve active family members to distribute tasks among yourselves. This will lift the all-things-done-by-me burden from your head and accelerate the fulfilment of tasks.

But, make sure when you assign/distribute a task you trust the other person — no pricking and nagging!

5. Communicate with Vendors

Wedding Planning is not a one-person work and involves a list of vendors who bring in resources to plan and execute things. Your Wedding Planner should be the one-point contact person for all your needs. You must openly have conversations with your wedding planner about the tasks that need to be done, and within a particular time frame.

Convey the tasks that need to be done for your wedding, and the wedding planner will suggest the priorities for the moment — thus relieving you from mental strain during work from home and wedding management.

6. Make and Set Deadlines

We know, it might be annoying for you to hear this word but believe us, this will result in a huge difference. Setting a deadline can make you go crazy, but at the same time, it will get things done. It will help in checking off the tasks from your wedding checklist, relieving you from piling tasks at your desk.

To make you set deadlines, manage, and check off your task from the wedding checklist you must try our WedNicely Application. It also allows you to share your tasks, so it becomes hassle-free for all the members involved in wedding planning in the fulfilment of tasks.

7. Take a Break

Working from home and planning your wedding simultaneously can be overwhelming. Maintaining your physical and mental health is a big concern to deal with. This may mean taking a break from your wedding planning and a personal day off from your work, if possible.

Wedding planning is supposed to be fun, and taking a pause from everything, taking a day for yourself will eventually re-anchor you to yourself.

At last, the tasks both at wedding planning and work will be done. What’s more important is your sanity to think, plan, and execute everything properly.